Facing many challenges in the Douala V Sub-Division, the D.O ASONGWE CLETUS ANUAFOR has decided not to rest, particularly with regard to the common land disputes, night noise, organized crime, population security issues, the fight against urban disorder, etc…He launched an operation to put an end to the harassment of the population by drug users and prostitutes. Several brothels around Bonamoussadi are being closed or even destroyed; the prostitutes working are arrested alongside drug users.
The Divisional Officer explained that insecurity had gained a lot of ground in the Douala 5 division. A situation that requires immediate action.“I want to take this opportunity to issue a very firm warning to these criminals and prostitutes, to change their activity, because the population of Douala 5 must rest in peace. If they do not change their activities, they will always have us behind them,” warned Dr. Anuafor Cletus Asongwe. The Douala V Division is undergoing an unparalleled metamorphosis, thanks to the contribution of a man who put the populations at the heart of his concerns, Dr. Anuafor Cletus Asongwe. He manages his Division with an expert and rigorous hand. In fact he is a visionary.
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